TNPSC AAO Result 2021 Cut Off Marks
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) had conducted a written examination for all public servant aspirants to fulfill the positions of various Assistant Agriculture Officer (AAO) throughout the length and breadth of the state on 02.07.20. Candidates are awaiting the declaration of the merit list presently.
The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has not finalized the date for declaration of TN AAO results yet. As and when TNPSC comes up with a final date, they shall update the information and all relevant details on their official website for aspiring candidates.

The written examination was directed to fulfill the 338 positions for Assistant Agriculture officers, in the state of Tamil Nadu. A large number of candidates appeared for the written examination, which was divided into two essential parts.
Paper 1 (Forenoon Shift) and Paper 2 (Afternoon Shift) dealt with questions strictly relating to trade and the situation of current affairs in the country. Experts anticipate that the TNPSC AAO Exam 2021 results shall be declared in the month of September. Assistant Agriculture Officer (AAO) Exam Result 2021
Job | AAO (Assistant Agriculture Officer) |
Exam Organizer | Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission |
Available Vacancies | 333 |
Department | Agriculture Department of Tamil Nadu |
Exam Date | 02 July 2021 |
Result Status | to be announced |
Official Website | |
The Commission is aware that the candidates are awaiting the declaration of TNPSC result but it wants to check every paper with precision as it also understands that results are of paramount importance to a candidate’s near future.
The candidates shall be shortlisted and selected by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission on the basis of the written examination they have already appeared and a personal interview to which they shall be called, in case they qualify the written examination.
With the release of the results, the TNPSC shall also announce the AAO Exam cut off marks for the year 2021. The Tamil Nadu AAO cut off marks shall be decided on the basis of the difficulty of the examination and the number of the appearing candidates from various categories.
Candidates are requested to note that AAO 2021 results shall not be communicated individually. They shall be put up on the official website of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC).
The official website of TNPSC is
Procedure to Find TNPSC AAO Results
- For checking the results of TNPSC AAO 2021 Exam, candidates are requested to visit the official website.
- Post that, they are advised to search for the particular link pertaining to Assistant Agriculture Office (AAO) Result 2021.
- You shall be asked to enter information relating to the registration number and date of birth of the candidate as displayed on the admit card.
- After making sure that the information entered is correct and authentic, click on the proceed button.
- Your result shall be displayed on the screen.
- You might download it for future uses.
All the best for your further journey. Kindly pass your comment below to get information or share your exam experience and cut off expectations.