Bihar Board 10th Result 2021 ( – Sarkari Result BSEB Matric Result 2021 Name Wise
Bihar Board 10th Result 2021 out at The Bihar School Examination Board shortly called BSEB is yet to release their 10th or matric annual results very mostly by April first week according to the reports.
The results have to be released by this time but it looks like it may be delay by a couple of days more. As the second wave of Covid-19 is started and showing its results much effectively.

Update – BSEB has announced the Bihar Board Matric Date & Time 2021, it will be released on 5th April 2021 at and
Bihar Board 10th Result 2021 Date & Time
The Covid-19 may be one of the reasons for the delay in the results but according to the statements that made by Anand Kishor, the chairman of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSBE); the evaluation is in the final stage and evaluators are in the process of finalizing the results and the verification of toppers is not yet completed which may take a couple of days and results could be released in the first week of April, but it is not yet happened.
Sarkari Result Bihar Matric 2021 Results
The intermediant holiday of Holi may also be a factor in the delay of Bihar 10th or Matric Final Examinations. As the Covid-19 destroyed all the education flow for over one year so, the students who written the 2021 10th examinations are waiting for the results and worrying about their pass and failure status.
This year 2021, approximately 17 lakhs students across Bihar had appeared Bihar 10th or Matric Annual 2021 Examination and waiting for BSEB Matric Result 2021.
The 17 lakhs students consist of 8,37,803 boys and the remaining 8,46,663 are girls. The Examination was conducted over 38 districts on the 17th of February 2021 in around 1525 examination centers.
If we once look up the 2020 Bihar 10th examination results, around 7,29,213 students have attended the examination.
The results in 2020 were announced on 26th May and around 81 percentage students out of 100 were passed in 2020.
Around 7, 29, 213 boys and 7, 64, 858 girls were passed in the 2020 Bihar Matric Board Examinations.
The students of the 10th Matric annual can check their results at the official website of the Bihar School Board Examination (BSEB) i.e. by following the below steps.
Steps to follow for checking the BSEB Matric result 2021 at the official website:
- Enter the official website of Bihar School Board Examination 2021 – in the search engines like Google or Internet Explorer. (Before checking entering the official website, it is advised to read the guidelines of results which consists of the supporting search engine to view the results)
- After entering the official site, you may see the homepage of the official site, you will find a link that will help you to view the 10th results. The link may consist of the characters as Bihar Board Result Link. Now, click on the link.
- After clicking on the link, as the next step, you will be redirected to a page that will ask for your credentials for the 10th class. The credentials may be your Roll Number, Roll Code, and following with a Registration Number. Fill out all the details perfectly (it is advised to recheck the entered credentials once to avoid the error page).
- After filling up all the credentials correctly, tap on the Submit button.
- As soon as you tap on the submit button, the results will be displayed on the screen following up with pass or fail particulars of the respective student.
- You can download the results or marks list by tapping or clicking on the Download button. After downloading the results page, you can take the printouts. (You can even save your results also)
- Once the results are announced, it is advised to follow the above steps to enter, view, and download the results of the Bihar Board 10th examinations.
Bihar Board 10th Result 2021 link –
Alternative link –
Server Link 2 for BSEB Matric Result 2021 –